Over the years my work has alternated between writing and photography—sometimes combining the two. The way I see it: it’s all story telling.
My current work focuses on presenting portraits and narratives of bird life. I am also deep into writing a new novel entitled Reveille In Birdland.
The Violet Crow: A Bruno X Psychic Detective Novel. Liberty Island. 2015
"Better than Fresh Apricots," "Dark and Stormy," and "The Beast of Philadelphia." Liberty Island Magazine, 2014-2015.
Success by Ten by George Russell and Michael Sheldon. Wylie. 2009
Fifty-plus articles in PDN(Photo District News) 1988-1993
Photographs have appeared in: Torrefazione Italia brochure,The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Der Spiegel, Seattle Times, Popular Mechanics, Attenzione, Santa Fe Magazine, Art West, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Santa Fe New Mexican, The Music of Man by Yehudi Menuhin and Curtis Davis, and elsewhere.
I also created a series of photographic novels/narratives:
The Family Romance. 1980
Stromme: The Life of a Suitcase. 1986
Compost Mandalas. 1992
Left Behinds. 1999
Exhibits include:
University of Oregon Museum of Art, Yale Art Museum, Art Institute of Seattle, Seattle Art Museum Photography Council, Martin Zambito Gallery--all group shows--and a one-man exhibit at Caffe Senso Unico in Seattle.
Photo: Ellie Sheldon