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Wading birds in breeding plumage: Tri-colored heron above

Cattle egrets

Snowy egrets

Reddish egret (white morph) with greater yellowlegs

White ibis

White-faced ibis

Clapper rail

Solitary sandpiper

Painted bunting

Indigo bunting

Rose breasted grosbeak (f)

Rose breasted grosbeak (m)

Baltimore oriole (m)

Baltimore oriole (f)

Orchard oriole (f)

Wilson's plover (m)

Wilson's plover (f)

Common tern

Least terns (prenup)

Common yellowthroat

Hooded warbler (f)

Worm-eating warbler

Black-and-white warbler

Cape May warbler

Prothonatary warbler

Scarlet tanager

Summer tanager

Swainson's thrush

Wood thrush

Scissors-tailed flycatcher

Lark sparrow

Swamp sparrow

Blue jay (dry)

Blue jay (wet)

Black-bellied whistling ducks (squabbling)

Fulvous whistling ducks

Brown thrasher

Brown-headed cowbirds

Gray catbird

Great-tailed grackle

Eastern wood pewee

Ruddy turnstone